OG Four 2.0 RiG – ThisThingRips Concentrate Wax Pen
The company ThisThingRips has been a long time favorite for many vape enthusiasts. The portable wax vape pen called the OG Four 2.0 RiG is one of the premium devices in the line of products that ThisThingRips offers. The OG Four 2.0 RiG uses patented lava quartz technology that is the first of its kind. Made with a complete quartz bowl and two quartz rods entwined in high-quality titanium coils the new wax concentrate vaporizer rips like a classic rig. Continue reading below for our OG Four 2.0 RiG review analysis and a tutorial video at the bottom of the page.

Features of the OG Four 2.0 RiG Wax Pen
Adjustable airflow - depending on how hard you wish to take your hit, you are able to adjust the airflow accordingly. Only a handful of new portable vaporizers give you the option to adjust the airflow intake We are beginning to see more devices include this functionality. With the OG Four 2.0 wax pen you can easily adjust the flow with the simple twist to adjust the air intake.
Smart Battery - With news in the past that some portable vaporizers (not from ThisThingRips) were injuring its users for whatever reasons. Perhaps they overused their portable vaporizer and pushed the batteries to the limits, or in many cases it was uneducated users who were using mechanical mods. But regardless its nice to see that the company ThisThingRips has built a device designed to be safe. The variable temperature smart battery remembers your last setting and has also been designed so that you can use your device while its charging.

Big rig like rips - The design, power and materials used to create the OG Four 2.0 RiG allows you to get heavy rips. For a vaporizer pen you will be very impressed with the delivery of your draws.
Built in silicon jar - Keeping with the true nature of portability the OG 4 2 RiG has a built in silicon jar that allows you to travel lighter and prepared. The silicon jar is a nice touch that makes an already great device even better.

Whats included with the OG Four 2.0 RiG
Included in the kit for the OG Four 2.0 RiG is the following:
- 1 Mouthpiece (max flow)
- 2 Visual reaction chambers
- 2 Dual ti coil atomizers (lava-quartz)
- 1 Airflow ring the is adjustable
- 1 Hyper-charged smart battery
- 1 Silicone jar that is built into the device, screws into the bottom
- 1 Hyper-charging cable
- 1 Stainless steel dab tool
- 2 Alcohol cleansing wipes to keep your device and tool clean
- 1 Silicone ring
- 1 Silicone tray with stash compartment
- 1 Printed instruction manual
- and a partridge in a pear tree.. (partridge in a pear tree not included)
Where to Get the OG Four 2.0 RiG from #ThisThingRips
Here is the link to the official site - ThisThingRips You can learn more about this powerful wax concentrate vaporizer pen here.