
November 9, 2017

Pulsar Flow Vaporizer Review – Ergonomic Convection Heating

​Ergonomic, affordable, convection, cooling vapor path - all ​things sure to make the ​Pulsar Flow vaporizer a popular device. ​ The Pulsar Flow ​is an affordable high quality portable dry herb convection ​vaporizer. ​Available in multiple color options with a few unique features under the hood we expect this will be a stong mid price range contender. ​Although we have not had the chance to test this unit yet we will let you ​know about its details and ​features.

Flow Vaporizer

​Buy the Pulsar Flow Here​

​Build Quality Notes

​Intended to be one of Pulsars next big sellers the Flow has been built with quality in mind. The herb chamber is lined with quartz to ​help deliver strong tasting vapor while the housing is made of durable material​s.​

An internal 1600 mAh battery powers the Flow. The 1600 mAh battery is better than your average mid range device's power supply. Considering the Flow comes in at around the $100 mark a 1600 mAh battery is pretty impressive.

​Located on the top of the Pulsar Flow vaporizer is a long magnetic oven lid that doubles as the vapor filter and cooling path.​ This lid is made of a durable metal. Overall the build quality and components used make the price seem very reasonable.

Pulsar Flow Vapor Notes

Convection units require a stronger battery to be effective. The Flow ​is ​​powered by a 1600 mAh battery as we mentioned above and it looks like it is a sufficient power source to do the job well. A modest 40 second heat time is needed to allow the convection heating method to do its job before you can achieve a good pull. ​Convection heating is the most efficient way to vaporizer dry herbs and helps to deliver better tasting not burnt vapor. View more convection vaporizers here.

Dry Herb Vaproizer - Pulsar Flow

​Taking a page out of the playbook of popular vaporizer brand 'Firefly' is the long groove like vapor path. As the vapor leaves the heating chamber and heads towards your mouth it is forced to flow in and out of the embossed cooling filter pattern. Honestly, the Flow looks like a less sophisticated version of the popular Firefly 2 vaporizer (seen here). 

The long vapor path assuming it works on par with the Firefly 2 will require a quick wipe down after several uses. If the vapor path works even only half as good as the Firefly 2 it will remove a good amount of unwanted vapor particles from entering your body.

Temperature for the Flow ranges from 356 to 428 with haptic feedback. The one button design makes switching between the temperatures simple and leaves less room for wear and tear on the unit.


​We already commented on the fact that the Pulsar Flow uses an impressive 1600 mAh battery. We expect that this will get you between 10 to 20 sessions. We will again need to confirm this once we have seen this device in action. The small compact nature of the Flow makes it one of the smaller convection vaporizers available. The rounded shape could be comfy or awkward depending on which way you have it positioned in your pocket.

Appearance of the Flow by Pulsar

​Available in a few variations you can get the Flow i​n all black​, silver and black, carbon fiber, and also with a hint of nature with wood grain and silver.

The shape of the unit is similar to that of the Loto Lux which is another high end vaporizer that has recently been released. This teardrop design is comfortable to hold in the hand. The mouthpiece is ergonomic and feels natural to draw from. So we're told. ​The overall design and functionality of the Pulsar Flow is simple​with just one button. There is a row of five LED lights to indicate temperature settings located on the one side.

​Where You Can Buy the Flow

​We suggest you purchase the Flow from Vape-Smart here. If you and a friend both make your purchase at the same time you will receive an additional 10% savings.

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